Dear Customer, AD ART is a Polish company based in The Gdansk area at the Baltic Sea. The company designers take inspiration from the tradition of the region, European and American art and the natural beauty of amber. We are known for high quality products and attractive designs. We specialize in silver and gold jewellery with amber. We are open to new challenges and ideas and happy to meet our customers requirements. The young and creative team at AD ART is looking forward to establishing a long-term fruitful business relationship with you. WELCOME! Andrzej Drozdowski is a member of the International Amber Association. Andrzej Drozdowski
Oferujemy Panstwu wiele wzorow nowoczesnej bizuterii srebrnej z bursztynem, a takze wzory z wiecznie aktualnej linii klasycznej. Aby przegladac calosc oferty zaloguj sie lub zarejestruj.

83-010 Straszyn, ul. Teczowa 4, Poland
tel. 48-58 350 80 11
tel. 48 604 967 066
(15 minutes from Gdansk Centre)
e-mail: office[at]
Aby przegladac calosc oferty zaloguj sie lub zarejestruj.